Friday, July 4, 2014

Shabbat Hukkat / Rosh Hodesh Weekly Announcements

Congregation Dorshei Emet

Shabbat Hukkat / Rosh Hodesh
June 28, 2014 / 30 Sivan, 5774   

This week's Kiddush is sponsored by Rabbi Ron and Carmela Aigen
 in celebration of their son Nadav's upcoming marriage to Jennifer Alper,
daughter of Ron Alper and the late Jacqueline Kraus Alper

Torah: Numbers 21:4 - 22:1 (Etz P.888)
Maftir: Numbers 28:9 - 15 (Etz P.930)
Haftarah: Isaiah 66:10 - 24  (Etz P. 1220)

Torah Reader: Barry Frank, Chava Dienar
Haftarah Reader: Esther Lowen

Parnassim: Roger Antebi 

Talmud Study Coming to Dorshei Emet!
Four-class introductory course on the Talmud starting on Wednesday, July 2 at noon. 
For two thousand years the Talmud has guided, captivated and energized the Jewish people. It has been at the core of our values and traditions. Yohanan Lowen, our own brilliant Talmud and Humash scholar, will introduce us to the Talmud`s richness and history.
              Session 1: Mishna vs Baraitha: The Fathers According to Rabbi Nathan
              Session 2: Gemara; Rebellion in the Ranks
              Session 3: Pshat vs Drash in Talmud; Bava Metzia
              Session 4: Marriage & Divorce in the Talmud

Please call the synagogue 514-486-9400 to register. Course fee is $25 for members.

The Mothers Circle is a program for women of different faiths who are raising Jewish children. The program creates a safe space for women to learn about Judaism and explore Jewish Holidays and rituals, and to do so with peers so they're not alone.  
Tuition is FREE, and no prior Jewish knowledge is required. 
Bi-weekly course begins in the Fall 2014.
For more information, please contact Cynthia Weinstein, Program Coordinator at (514)487-9030 or Congregation Dorshei Emet at (514)486-9400 or visit

To order a Reconstructionist Rabbinical College 5775 Pocket Calendars, $15 per calendar, the deadline is July 11. Please contact the office at 514-486-9400 or


To Rabbi Ron, Carmela, Raziel and Gila on Nadav's upcoming wedding and to the bride and groom, Jennifer Alper and Nadav Aigen.

Zvi ben Taibel v'Yosef (Harry Fainsilber) 
Yehudit bat Shalom v'Frieda (Odette Chonchol)  
Eliahu ben Leah v'Yacov (Charley Levy)
Frayda Laya bat Devora ve Yaacov  (Linda Camlot)
Moshe ben Yaacov ve Gittel (Morris Camlot)    
Daniel ben Kalman v'Tziporah (Daniel Roth)
Liebe bat Reizel v Yaakov
Miriam bat Tilka v Schoel
Avraham, ben Eliyahu v Enna
Ariella bat Meir v Pesseh
Meshullam Zalman Hiyya HaKohen ben Hayyah Gittel 
*If someone needs an extra blessing for someone who is sick, please email  with their hebrew name, parents hebrew name, their english name. If a member who is ill is in hospital, kindly give us the name of the hospital and room number as well.

June 28 - July 4, 2014/ 30 Sivan - 6 Tammuz, 5774   
Charles Levine, father of Adrianne Sklar   
Mala Kornacki, mother of Joe Kornacki
Samuel Elman,father of Robert Elman
Issie Etcovitch, brother of Betty Spiegel
Sylvia Gurevitch, mother of Anne Bellman
* Elaine Charkow, mother of Fran Croll
Aharon Barsheshat, father of Menahem Barsheshat
Abraham Krystal, father of Maurice Krystal
* Augusta Becker, mother of Donnie Frank and  Hillel Becker
* Bella Freeman Brasloff, mother of Reuben Brasloff
Sheila Krolik, mother of Dorothy Stern
* Moe Spiegel, husband of Betty Spiegel
Nathan Caplan, father of Neil Caplan
James Lackman, father of Phillip Lackman 
*Names with an asterisk (*) indicate a memorial plaque in our sanctuary. We encourage you to add your late loved one's name to our memorial board for an everlasting tribute. To do so, please call the office at 514-486-9400.
If you would like an Aliyah for a yahrtzeit on a Shabbat morning, please identify yourself to a Parnass when you come into the sanctuary.


Thursday, August 7 at 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
With Ami Sands Brodoff & Angie Chuang
Please join us as Ami reads from In Many Waters, her newly completed novel, and The White Space Between, Winner of the Canadian Jewish Book Award for Fiction  Angie, a journalism professor in from American University, Washington, D.C. shares an excerpt from her debut memoir, The Four Words For Home, about her experiences living with an Afghani family.  The two authors were both early readers and critics of each other's projects, in addition to being great friends.  Both authors will be available to sign copies of their books.
Librairie Paragraphe Bookstore
2220 McGill College Avenue

Attendance is free!

Due to so many regulars being away, the Wednesday minyan will be "on holiday" until September.

 Congregation Dorshei Emet
follow us on twitter -twitter@dorsheiemet

Our Bulletin:

Shabbat Balak Weekly Announcements

Congregation Dorshei Emet

Shabbat Balak
July 5, 2014  / 7 Tammuz, 5774   

This week's Kiddush is sponsored by Seymour Adelman in honor of his 95th birthday and in hope of a safe and secure Israel.

Torah: Numbers 23:27 - 25:6(Etz P.903)
Maftir: Numbers 25:7 - 9 (Etz P.908)
Haftarah: Micah 6:1 - 8 (Etz P. 916)

D'var Torah: Sara Saber-Freedman
Torah Reader: Barry Frank
Haftarah Reader: Rami Negev

Parnassim: Deborah Kraus, Doreen Saibil

This convenient pocket-sized Jewish calendar  has it all! It's a quick, one-stop guide to the Jewish holidays and candle-lighting times for 5775 (2014-15).
To order a a calendar, please contact the office by July 11. $15 per calendar.
514-486-9400 or   


Yasher Koah to Gustavo Turecki,  for receiving the Graham Boeckh Foundation's 2014 Dr. Samarthji Lal Award.  Gustavo is chief of the Depressive Disorders Program of the Douglas Mental Health Institute, Professor and Vice-Chair of Research and Academic Affairs in the Department of Psychiatry of McGill University, and Director of the McGill Group for Suicide Studies.


To Ami Sands Brodoff and Michael Atkin on the loss of their mother and mother-in-law, Dr. Minette P. (Minzapedel) Davis z"l, cherished grandmother of Tobias  and Rosamond. 

Zvi ben Taibel v'Yosef (Harry Fainsilber) 
Yehudit bat Shalom v'Frieda (Odette Chonchol)  
Eliahu ben Leah v'Yacov (Charley Levy)
Frayda Laya bat Devora ve Yaacov  (Linda Camlot)
Moshe ben Yaacov ve Gittel (Morris Camlot)    
Daniel ben Kalman v'Tziporah (Daniel Roth)
Liebe bat Reizel v Yaakov
Miriam bat Tilka v Schoel
Avraham, ben Eliyahu v Enna
Ariella bat Meir v Pesseh
Meshullam Zalman Hiyya HaKohen ben Hayyah Gittel 
Batya bat Eliezer vRochel (Brianna Krane)
*If someone needs an extra blessing for someone who is sick, please email  with their hebrew name, parents hebrew name, their english name. If a member who is ill is in hospital, kindly give us the name of the hospital and room number as well.

July 5 - 11, 2014/ 7 - 13 Tammuz, 5774   
Raquel Betsalel Presser, mother of Ivan Presser,  wife of Baldomero Presser
Peter Mark Whitzman, son of Sheila Whitzman  
*Arthur Amsel, husband of Helen Amsel  
Michael Heller, father of Ronald Heller  
Israel Gonshor, father of Aron Gonshor  
*Philip Kalin, father of Marlene Kalin, husband of Florence Kalin
Meyer Klugerman, father of David Klugerman  
Goldie Levitsky, mother of Sydney Levitsky  
*Stephen Barber, father of Anna Barber  
Louis Winikoff, 1st husband of Jane Govan-Plotnick  
*J. Harry Berger, father of Howard Berger  
Cecil Berner, father of Mark Berner  
Jack Bessner, father of Morton Bessner  
Marki Cohen, father of Maureen Cohen  
Fernande Krosberg, mother of Sylviane Borenstein  
Abraham Etcovitch, father of Betty Spiegel  
*Max Hornstein, father of Martin Hornstein  
Harry Leikin, father of Ethel Kesler  
Samuel Silver, husband of Sylvia Levine Silver, father of David Silver
*Names with an asterisk (*) indicate a memorial plaque in our sanctuary. We encourage you to add your late loved one's name to our memorial board for an everlasting tribute. To do so, please call the office at 514-486-9400.
If you would like an Aliyah for a yahrtzeit on a Shabbat morning, please identify yourself to a Parnass when you come into the sanctuary.


Thursday, August 7 at 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
With Ami Sands Brodoff & Angie Chuang
Please join us as Ami reads from In Many Waters, her newly completed novel, and The White Space Between, Winner of the Canadian Jewish Book Award for Fiction  Angie, a journalism professor in from American University, Washington, D.C. shares an excerpt from her debut memoir, The Four Words For Home, about her experiences living with an Afghani family.  The two authors were both early readers and critics of each other's projects, in addition to being great friends.  Both authors will be available to sign copies of their books.
Librairie Paragraphe Bookstore
2220 McGill College Avenue

Attendance is free!

Due to so many regulars being away, the Wednesday minyan will be "on holiday" until September.

 Congregation Dorshei Emet
follow us on twitter -twitter@dorsheiemet

Our Bulletin: