Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Weekly announcements-Shabbat: April 27, 2013

April 27, 2013 / 17 Iyar, 5773
PBM Shabbat
Marilyn Krelenbaum, Stewart Harris Aufruf
Parnassim: Menahem Barsheshat and Roger Antebi

Torah: Leviticus 22:17-23:22 (Etz P. 722)
Maftir: Leviticus 24:21-23 (Etz P. 733)
Haftorah: Ezekiel 44:15-24 (Etz. 735)
Torah Reading: Hillel Salzman
Haftorah Reading: Yolande Martel

This week's Kiddush is sponsored by 
Marilyn Krelenbaum and Stewart Harris 
in celebration of their Aufruf and their upcoming marriage

Kehillah Conversations: 
The Torah of Money -Wednesday May 1 at 7:30PM

Dear Friends,

For our final Kehillah Conversation on what concerns us as a community, we will talk about “The Torah of Money”.  Over the years I have noted how often our Board of Directors has invoked certain principles in making decisions that have financial implications. From setting of dues, to the charging of hall rental and catering fees forsimahs,  to setting limits upon the lavishness of  bnei mitvzvah kiddushim, our congregation has always acted according to certain principles. Democracy, modesty, fairness and mentschlikhkeit have been some of the values I have heard invoked in arriving at those decisions.  Such decisions are of course always balanced with the financial realities and responsibilities for supporting and maintaining our community. As the rabbis said, “If there is no flour, there is no Torah; if there is no Torah there is no flour.” (Ethics of the Fathers 3:21)  We must have the basic material means by which to live before we can engage in spirituality. But without the spiritual values, our work and our lives would be meaningless.

One core set of values that are always coupled in our decisions around money-justice and dignity-- flow from the basic concept of tzedakah.  Tzedakah, the Hebrew term for charity, literally means “justice.” Charity, from the Latin caritas,connotes an emotional response of the heart, acting on feelings. Tzedakah is an obligation to do the right thing. Everyone, including those people who receivetzedakah, is obligated to also give some amount of tzedakah. This is because one of the major considerations in doing tzedakah is the kavod, the dignity of the one who receives it. To know that even when you receive tzedakah , the obligation and ability to give some amount to others confers dignity.

There are many other values we could consider in our discussion about money matters. Here are a few concepts suggested by Louis E. Newman in Shma Magazine (shma.com/2009/01/money-and-morals/):

Money and morals: Jewish Guidance for the Use of Money
Judaism challenges many of our most fundamental assumptions about money. We almost universally assume that if we make money, it is ours. Yet, Judaism teaches us to be grateful to God for our prosperity and not to take undue credit for our material success. The Torah puts this very directly and succinctly: “Beware lest your heart grows haughty and you forget the Lord your God . . . and you say to yourselves, ‘My own power and the might of my own hand have won this wealth for me.’ Remember that it is the LORD your God who gives you the power to get wealth.” (Deuteronomy 8:14, 17-18)
Given that we owe our prosperity to God’s beneficence, the Torah requires us to share the gifts that we have with the poor and the marginalized in society. The rules governing the agricultural gifts for the poor (Leviticus 19:9-10; Deuteronomy 24:19-21) were clearly designed to reinforce the principle that everyone in society must share in the collective good fortune of others.
The Torah also prohibits us from using our financial power to oppress others. We may not charge usurious interest or any interest at all to other members of our own community.  (Exodus 22:24; Leviticus 25:35-37; Deuteronomy 23:20-21) Moreover, the cancellation of all debts every seventh year ensures that creditors cannot use their financial advantage to create a permanent class of debtors. (Deuteronomy 15:1-3)
Finally, Jewish teachers over the centuries have cautioned against allowing the value of money to eclipse other values in life. When our sages ask, “Who is rich?” the answer is not “the one who has the greatest net worth,” but “those who are satisfied with their share.” (Avot 4:1) The goal is not to amass more wealth but to cultivate more serenity with the material success one has.
Today our need for a set of core values to keep the power of money from overpowering us is greater than ever. Some basic Jewish values to guide us include:
  • Honesty: Earning money honestly, without misrepresentation or fraud, and compensating those who work for us fairly, without taking advantage of their vulnerabilities, are essential to creating and preserving trust between people.
  • Humility: Recognizing that our money is the product of many hands besides our own will tend to curb our tendency to self-aggrandizement. We will use our money best if we begin with a sense of gratitude, rather than of entitlement.
  • Generosity: Our willingness to share liberally of what we have with those less fortunate is essential to securing the common good and protecting the human dignity of every person.
  • Extrinsic Value of Money: Money is valuable solely for the ways in which it enables us to survive, and then to live more fully. We need to cultivate a healthy relationship to money, one in which moral values define our use of money, rather than the reverse.

I hope you will be part of this important conversation and help us to articulate the values that we want to see incorporated in our money-related decisions we take as a community.  
To view the new bulletin click here 
Please note this edition is only available online. 
A limited number of copies are available in the synagogue lobby and in the office.   

Please join us on Wednesday, May 1, 7:30 pm to help articulate the values that should guide decision making in our synagogue on matters related to money. 

From our membership dues to the way we serve kiddush, from the way we celebrate our simchas to the number of bulletins we publish each year - everything has implications on our finances. How can we make sure the way we spend our money reflects the values that define us? How can we uphold our values without going bankrupt? Money talk is as much about the soul of our shul as it is about the bottom line - a conversation you will not want to be left out of. See you then!

Erev Shavuot Services: Tuesday, May 14, 8pm 
"Constructing a Non-Oppressive Jewish Sexual Ethic in the Shadow of Repressive Religion"
Dr. Jay Michaelson-Guest Speaker: 8:30 pm
Panel Discussion: Irv Binik, Susan Pinker & Barbara Hayton
Cheesecakes, coffee, tea: following
If you would like to bake or bring a cheesecake, please contact Edie Austin at e.austin@sympatico.ca .Thank you.

Shavuot Program for children: May 15, 10am-12pm. 
Join us for a unique Shavuot art project with art specialist: Deidre Potash and a special snack. Please RSVP to Cantor Heather at cantorheather@dorshei-emet.org or 514-486-9400 x 107.  

Thanks to the generosity of the Becker Family Foundation, Dorshei Emet children and teens have the opportunity to attend Camp JRF - the Reconstructionist movement's fabulous summer camp in South Sterling, Pennsylvania, at a fraction of the normal cost.To find out more about this unique opportunity to give your child a summer that will enrich their Jewish lives for years to come, please contact Cantor Heather and check out their website for more info: http://www.campjrf.org.


April 28, 11 a.m., Salle Godin, $10.
Member Elaine Kalman Naves hosts an event that promises to shed light on a neglected corner of local literary and cultural history in Almost Lost: Montreal's Yiddish Women Writers. Claire Holden Rothman and David Homel are among the panelists. For location and other details, www.bluemetropolis.org

Member Atara Stolovitsky, daughter of Erika Tencer and Jonathan Silver, has been chosen from amongst many, to be the next lucky participant in an amazing intensive 2 week dolphin assisted therapy program at the Curacao Dolphin Assisted Therapy Center in the beautiful Antilles!! This is an opportunity of a lifetime and the family is grateful that Atara will have the chance to experience this wonderful therapy. Dolphin Aid Canada has generously donated some money for Atara's dolphin therapy. However, additional funds are needed in order to make this happen.  To find out more or to make a contribution, please contact Erika at etencer2@sympatico.ca. or visit  www.curacaodolphintherapy.com/.

FIDDLER ON THE ROOF by the Cote St Luc dramatic society
May 23-26 and June 6-9, 2013 at 5785 Parkhaven Avenue.  
Featuring Dorshei Emet member: Judy Kenigsberg
For more information:  CSLDramaticSociety.com.

Major event in company's life: Destins Croisés is invited to present a serie of shows in the prestigious Lincoln Center Institute of New York City from 13-26 April 2013. For this occasion, the company will present the new version of its show LOOPS with dancers Simon Ampleman, Jennifer Casimir, David Albert-Toth (on the left), Lila-Mae Talbot, and Forty Nguyen. http://www.destins-croises.com/en   

To Esti Jedeikin on the birth of her grandson, Lucas Jonah Arbeiter. Son of Tamara and Jason Arbeiter. He is named in loving memory of his grandfather Leon.

To Dr Mark and Phyllis Yaffe on the birth of their grandson, Ashton Ryan Rabinovitch, son of Miriam Yaffe and Steven Rabinovitch.
To Claudie Pfeifer and Joe Douek on the the birth of Claudie's 
granddaughter, Louison, born in France, April 16.  

Zvi ben Taibel v'Yosef (Harry Fainsilber); 
Rachmiel ben Miriam v'Isacc (Ralph Schwartz);
Yehudit bat Shalom v'Frieda (Odette Chonchol)  
Yasmin bat Galila (Jasmin Peleg)
Eliahu ben Leah v'Yacov (Charley Levy)
Faivel ben Esther v'Shmuel (Paul Ostroff)
Nechama bat Basha Leah v'Yossef (Nina Baker)
Israel ben Esther v'Shmuel (Stan Tucker)
*if someone needs and extra blessing for someone who is sick, please email   
 with their hebrew name, parents hebrew name, their english name. Please give me their hospital and room number if they are a member.

April 27-May 3, 2013 / 17-23 Iyar, 5773 
Hyman Gerchicoff , father of Barry Gerchicoff
* Josephine Gotfrit , sister of Sheila Greenberg
Dov Sela , father of Carmela Aigen
Rae Rosen , mother of Shara Rosen
Shirley Sonberg , mother of Melissa Sonberg
* Sadie Lieff , mother of Lois Lieff
Henry Baron , father of Murray Baron
Joseph Benny Kastner , brother of Reva Bercovitch
Doris Schanfield , mother of Frances Schanfield
Zula Wigdor , mother of Ron Wigdor
Larry Frank , brother of Barry Frank
Annie Marks Goldman , mother of Beryl Goldman
Harry Michelin , father of John Michelin
Peter Etcovitch , brother of Betty Spiegel
Samuel Lecman , father of Miguel Lecman
Alex Nemes , father of Judith Nemes Black
Morty Mayberger , brother of Ruth Eliesen
Norman Mazin , brother of Rhoda Angel
Libby Litwin Michelin , mother of John Michelin
Todd Prout , husband of Heather Prout  
*Names with an asterisk (*) indicate a memorial plaque in our sanctuary. We encourage you to consider adding to our memorial board. To do so, please call Barbi at 514-486-9400.
If you would like an Aliyah for a yahrtzeit on a Shabbat morning, please identify yourself to a Parnass when you come into the sanctuary.
The Israel Film Festival, now in its 9th year, brings to Montreal, the latest offerings of Israel's award-winning cinema. This medium takes us beyond newspaper headlines into the soul of contemporary Israel.  This is a great way to get to know the real Israel.  Please share the details with your friends and colleagues.  This year's festival will be taking place at the Guzzo Mega-Plex Spheretech, 3500 Cote Vertu in St. Laurent.  For more information or tickets www.israelfilmfestival.ca or 514-937-2332.

BLUE METROPOLIS' 15th ANNUAL FESTIVAL: April 22 through 28, 2013.
Here are a few programs that will certainly be of interest to Jewish lovers of literature:

Janna Gur, Israeli cookbook author
Thursday, April 25 7pm Appetite for Books store, Greene Avenue
Saturday, April 27 1pm Hotel 10, Sherbrooke St.

Arnon Grunberg, Dutch author
Saturday, April 27 1pm Hotel 10
Saturday, April 27 3pm Hotel 10

Montreal's Yiddish Women Writers,
Sunday, April 28 11am Hotel 10, Varied artists

Phyllis Lambert,
Sunday, April 28 5pm Hotel 10, Architect and memoirist

Lia Levi, Italian Jewish writer
Sunday, April 28 5pm Hotel 10

For a more detailed description of these events, and to purchase tickets, please consult the bluemetropolis.org.

WEXNER LECTURE SERIES 2013-Where Have All The Leaders Gone?
Tuesday, April 30 at 8pm at Congregation Tifereth Beth David Jerusalem, 6519 Baily Rd. Dr. Erica Brown-educator will be talking about her recent book, "Spiritual Boredom" genj@genj.ca or 514-345-2645 ext. 3375.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013  at Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom. 4100 Sherbrooke Street West (entrance on Elm Ave). The Third Seder is a special commemoration for Yom HaShoah. We tell stories and sing of liberation in English, Hebrew and Yiddish. It is an opportunity to turn outrage and grief into understanding and an invitation to help those suffering every kind of intolerance. Inspired by the Survivors who celebrated life even after inexpressible loss, we too, will sing, dance, laugh, and share.  Book signing: 5:00 Seder: 5:30 p.m. Light snacks and refreshments will be served. Suggested contribution: $8.00. To RSVP and for further information: Irene Lilienheim Angelico (514.574.8629) irene@dliproductions.ca
May 6 at  7-9pm at Federation CJA. 
BJEC is hosting an evening to inspire families to enroll their children in a Jewish high school. Alumni will speak about the powerful impact a Jewish education has had on their own lives. This evening will be highly relevant for parents with children in Grades 4, 5 and 6. For more information go to www.bjec.org or contact Limor Elkoby 514-­345-­2610 ext. 3253 

OUT OF CORDOBA: Sunday May 12th, screenings at 4:00 and 7:30 PM 
Averroes and Maimonides in Their Time and Ours is a feature length documentary film which explores the mutually enriching relations between Muslims and Jews in medieval Spain and challenges the contemporary notion of a "clash of civilizations." Director Jacob Bender will introduce the film and answer questions after at both screenings.
Segal Centre, 5170 Ch de la Côte-Ste-Catherine.Tickets are $10.00 through the Segal Centre box office 514 739 7944 or online at www.segalcenter.com. 
for more information contact Deena Roskies 514 483 5763, deenaroskies@hotmail.com       

At Jewish camp, kids are free to have amazing adventures, try out new skills, and explore who they are and who they want to become, in a nurturing, fun-filled place. If your child is a first time camper, they might be eligible for a $1,000 grant!  onehappycamper.org.


Minyan takes place every Monday and Wednesday morning at 7: 30 am, followed by breakfast. Monday is a traditional davening and Torah reading. Wednesday is a Mindfulness Meditation minyan.

If you are saying Kaddish, observing a yahrzeit, or marking a special occasion, please join us.  It is a wonderful way to start the week or the day in a warm and inspiring ambiance among friends. Contact Lois Lieff at 514-489-9274 or loislieff@sympatico.ca.