Friday, February 22, 2013

Weekly announcements for February 23, 2013

Tetzaveh / Zakhor-Purim
February 23, 2013 / 13 Adar, 5773
Megillah reading
Baby Naming for Ava Grace,
daughter of Jennifer Sidel and Lloyd Lottner
Parnassim: Warren Litwin and Doreen Saibil

Torah:Exodus 28:31-29:18 (Etz P.508)
Maftir: Deuteronomy 25:17-19 (Etz P. 1135)
Haftarah: I Samuel 15:24-34 (Etz P.1284)

Torah Reading: Jodi Lackman
Haftarah Reading: Chayim Lowen

This week's Kiddush is sponsored by Jennifer Sidel and Lloyd Lottner
in honour of their daughter Ava Grace's baby naming.

Candle Lighting: 5:14 PM
Havdalah: 6:23 PM

PURIM, This Saturday Night.

 Children's galore!
Megillah Reading...stomp the floor!
Purim Shpiel...sing and hum!
Costume Contest...lots of fun!
Bellydancing...persian delight!
Party and all night!
Everyone is welcome! Bring a friend!
Free for all! Come attend!

Details: Saturday, February 23
6:30pm Children's Carnival
7:00pm Purim Shpiel/Costume Contest
7:15pm Megillah Reading
8:45pm Party

Reliving a revelatory moment is always a challenge. How do we hold on to, or convey to others, those extraordinary moments of insight, emotionally laden experiences when we are transported to an elevated state of mind, or sense that we have encountered a deeper, abiding truth? Our sages tell us that the purpose of building theMishkan, the portable ark that the Israelites carried with them through their wilderness wanderings, was to create a space in which they could re-experience the Sinai moment. "Let them build me a Sanctuary that I might dwell among them."
How did building the Mishkan accomplish this task of holding on to the ineffable experience? One of the key verbs used in describing this construction effort is hibarta, "You shall connect." By making connections with others, relating to them as friends,haverim, we can come to experience something of the Divine. One of the most basic objects employed in the construction of the Mishkan, the planks of acacia wood,kerashim (K-R-SH) also hints at this transcendent act of making connections. TheDegel Mahaneh Ephraim teaches that the plank signifies a human being, (adam) the one who make connections, kesher,(K-SH-R)-"the one who connects all the worlds, unifying one with the other." Were we to connect with mindlessness, things that are finite and time-bound, this would be to connect with falsehood, sheker (SH-K-R). Our goal ought to be to connect with eternal truths, with spiritual goals that are timeless.

That challenge of retaining and transmitting an ineffable experience is what I have been grappling with since I returned from a truly extraordinary journey to Kiev, Ukraine and Israel. Together with 31 other rabbis from across North America, we visited under the auspices of the Jewish Federations of North America the projects that the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) and the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) are carrying out to support the welfare, social and educational needs of Jews in Kiev and Israel.

There are so many stories:  the rediscovery of Jewish identities by this generation whose grandparents hid it from them due to their experiences under the Nazis and the Communists; the life-saving work of the JDC and JAFI who translate our Federation dollars into the caring work of the Hesed House or the promotion of Jewish cultural rebirth through the Beiteinu center; the moving memorial ceremony held at Babi Yar, where over 100,000 Jews were murdered in 1941, or the equally moving Shabbat dinner in Jerusalem with Yosef Begun,  one of the heroes of the Soviet Jewry Movement.

The main message that came through in these and the many other experiences of this powerful mission can be summed up in one word: peoplehood. Again and again I felt a vital connection with my people. It came with a sense of pride and optimism when we spontaneously sang Am Yisrael Hai, "the People of Israel lives" as a tribute to the Jews who died at Babi Yar,  that their deaths have been redeemed by the new life that flourishes in Kiev today.  And once again when we sang those same words in a more joyous, triumphant affirmation together with Yosef Begun, I felt the powerful truth of Am Yisrael Hai.

In those deep connections that we shared with the Jews of Kiev and Israel, and with the work of JDC and JAFI, I experienced the Mishkan being rebuilt in our own day. It is that sense of connection to the life of Am Israel, the eternal people, that gives me a renewed hope and inspiration that will fuel all my future efforts on behalf of Klal Yisrael, the people of Israel.

Join us once again for the Shabbat Morning Study group with Carmela Aigen.  
Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far to this year's Annual Giving Campaign. We are two weeks away from the close of our campaign and we are up to 44%participation. Having 100% participation is our mark of success. Please join us at the close if this year's campaign which will coincide with our annual Purim celebration on Saturday, February 23. New for this year, everyone who makes a contribution towards the Annual Campaign, will be entered into a special door prize draw and will have the chance to win one of two sets of Canadian Hockey tickets. The hottest tickets in town! We look forward to celebrating with you! Please contact the office at 514-486-9400 to make your contribution.

Zvi ben Taibel v'Yosef (Harry Fainsilber); 
Rachmiel ben Miriam v'Isacc (Ralph Schwartz);
Yehudit bat Shalom v'Frieda (Odette Chonchol)  
Zlate bat Fishel v'Miriam (Charlotte Wertheimer)
Yasmin bat Galila (Jasmin Peleg)
Moshe ben Pia v'Shlomo (Murray Perelman)
Eliahu ben Leah v'Yacov (Charley Levy)
Faivel ben Esther v'Shmuel (Paul Ostroff)
Yehudit bat Zipporah v'David
Chaim Zvi ben Gitel v'Avraham (David Pinto) 
Avraham  ben Rea v’Berel (Larry Lazar)  

February 23-March1, 2013 / 13-19 Adar 5773 
Markus Buksbaum , father of Jack Buksbaum
David Krelenbaum , father of Marilyn Krelenbaum
Etta Riva Lazar , mother of Lawrence Lazar
Archie (Arthur) Rosenthal , father of Jack Rosenthal
Minnie Shapiro , mother of Micki Keesal
Norman Epelbaum , father of Suzie Epelbaum
Nathan Gesser , husband of Dora Gesser
Maryka Franke Kupitsky , mother of Ronald Kay
Celia Cohen , sister of Ben Cohen
Abe Croll , father of Reuben Croll
Irwin Moss , father of Beverly Shapiro
Joseph Bercovitch , father of Mildred Kolodny
Nettie Lazar , sister of Lawrence Lazar
Bernice Getz Lurie , mother of Lewis Lurie
Rosa Trafimowski , mother of Sima Brockstein
Dorothy Gottlieb , mother of Linda August
Tillie Schneider Lackman , stepmother of Phillip Lackman
Alice Shenkier , mother of Maurice Shenkier
Bella Dan , mother of Fanny Silviu-Dan
Melvin Mike" Salmon" , father of Deborah Salmon
Mae Wax , mother of Sandra Goldstein
*Names with an asterisk (*) indicate a memorial plaque in our sanctuary. We encourage you to consider adding to our memorial board. To do so, please call Barbi at 514-486-9400
If you would like an Aliyah for a yahrtzeit on a Shabbat morning, please identify yourself to a Parnass when you come into the sanctuary.
Members in good standing who wish to reserve cemetery plots in Congregation Dorshei Emet's section of Eternal Gardens Memorial Park should contact Robyn Bennett, Executive Director at 514-486-9400.


L'AUGMENTATION de Georges Perec . Mise en scène ARIEL IFERGAN.
Démo-vidéo et infos à : ou

MATZAH TO MITZVAH-A Passover Experience.
Sunday, March 10, from 2:00-4:30 : Workshops at Temple Emanu-el
The topics are: Passover and Easter: Celebrations of Freedom, with me and Father John Walsh, A New Haggadah for a New Age, with Rabbi Ron Aigen,  Keeping Everyone at the Table: Making Your Seder Interactive, Creative, Meaningful & Fun, with Rabbi Andrea Myers and Dr. Catherine Masden, Singing Your Way Through the Seder, with Rachelle Schubert, Passover Cooking.
There will be crafts, movies, and mitzvah projects for children.
Cost: $5/person,  $15/ family with a donation of a non-perishable food item $7/$20 without. Open to all.

Thursday, March 7 at 2:00 p.m. 
Ami Sands Brodoff, Montreal novelist, will kick off the Jewish Public Library's Afternoon Book Review Series with a talk and discussion of the compelling new novel,  The Twelve Tribes of Hattie, by Ayana Mathis.  
Jewish Public Library, 5151 Cote Ste-Catherine.  Advance tickets: (514)-345-6416
ISGAP | The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy presents: Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective.
McGill University , Tuesdays 5:30 to 8:00 PM, Leacock Building, Rm. 738 
Feb. 26 - Shalem Coulibaly
Professor of Philosophy and Secretary General, Université de Ouagadougou  (Burkina Faso) "Sub-Saharan Africa, Globalization and Antisemitism". 
Mar. 12 - Yigal Carmon
Founder and Director, MEMRI.
Apr. 9 - Nora Gold 
Associate Scholar at the Centre for Women's Studies, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto "'I Don't Know Why They Hate Us - I Don't Think We Did Anything Bad To Hurt Them': Jewish Girls (Aged 10-12) Reflect on Their Experiences of Antisemitism". 

Minyan takes place every Monday and Wednesday morning at 7:30 am, followed by breakfast. Monday is a traditional davening and Torah reading. Wednesday is a Mindfulness Meditation minyan.
If you are saying Kaddish, observing a yahrtzeit, or marking a special occasion, please join us.  It is a wonderful way to start the week or the day in a warm and inspiring ambiance among friends. 
Contact Irv Perlman at 514 -733 -1874 or