Thursday, January 10, 2013

Weekly Announcements for January 12, 2013

January 12, 2013 / 1 Shevat, 5773
Rosh Hodesh
Kehillah Conversations
Parnassim: Warren Litwin, Menahem Barsheshat

Torah:Exodus 7:14-8:28 (Etz P. 358)
Maftir: Numbers 28:9-15 (Etz P.930)
Haftarah: Isaiah 66:10-24 (Etz P. 1221)

Torah Reading: Paul Horowitz
Haftarah Reading: Menahem Barsheshat

Havdalah: 5:24 PM

Dear Friends,
A major project of our community this year is to re-think our sense of purpose and direction within the framework of our Kehillah Conversations on four main issues. This Shabbat following services we will discuss the topic of Prayer and Ritual. I would welcome your feedback on ideas for re-energizing our Shabbat morning services.
Thinking back over the past three decades our shul has been creative in various ways. Our Siddur Hadesh Yameinu has been a tremendous resource for a meaningful and innovative worship services, but there is much more that we could be doing to re-energize the Shabbat experience at Dorshei Emet today. The "Synaplex" model of offering the choice of a variety of spiritual experiences in the building simultaneously a chanting service, meditation, yoga, and/or Torah study groups in addition to the "traditional" minyan is one idea we might want to explore. Another could be the introduction of musical instruments into the service. There may be other thoughts you have for renewing our spiritual life individually and collectively at Dorshei Emet.
This coming Shabbat I will be experimenting with a slightly different format for leading the services together with Cantor Heather, Fran Avni and Rabbi Julia Appel. I invite you to join us and bring your ruah (spirit) for this service and for the Kehillah conversation following services on Shabbat Ritual at Dorshei Emet.
Rabbi Ron Aigen

BEYOND SHABBAT-for children and families: TONIGHT
Havdalah and Movie Event - January 12 at 7pm
Bring your friends for a night of Havdalah, movies, noshies and fun!

Saturday, January 19 - Canada, the United States and the UK Speaker: Professor Mort Weinfeld.
Mort is a Dorshei Emet member and a Professor of Sociology at McGill University. He has published widely on the sociology of Jews, including his landmark study of Canadian Jews, “Like Everyone Else but Different”.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far to this year's Annual Giving Campaign. To date the participation rate is up to 32%. Having 100% participation is our mark of success. Thank you for your generosity.

Joshua Nelson - The Prince of Kosher Gospel
Can you imagine?  Kosher Gospel!!!
Only in the hands of this disciple of Mahalia Jackson could such a genre be possible (and so mind-bogglingly fantastic). Here is a Black Jew from New Jersey who takes the traditional Jewish liturgy and blasts it into the stratosphere with percussive keyboards, vocal virtuosity and a powerhouse trio of back-up singers. Utterly unrecognizable and infinitely inspiring. Oprah loves him and has had him on the show and at private functions repeatedly. He tours the world - festivals, congregations, Hollywood. Now, he's coming here to Dorshei Emet!
On Saturday, January 26th at 8:00 P.M., 
Take a listen: Adon Olam:
Tickets - $25 General Admission; $10 for students
Or Call: (514) 486-9400
JEWISH HEROES 2013 SERIES  (lecture and discussion)
Tuesdays 7:00 PM- 9:30 PM
January 15, 2013............Martin Buber 
January 29, 2013...........Marek Edelman : Commander of the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943. (Born 1919-Died 2009-age 90)
February 12,, 2013..........Emil Fackenheim- Rabbi, Philosopher, Author, Teacher.
February 26, 2013...........Abba Eban
March 12, 2013................Natan Sharansky
March 26 ,2013................Primo Levi
April 9, 2013.....................Elie Wiesel
Shabbat Morning Study group with Carmela Aigen will resume this Shabbat
We are looking for people with an interest in environmental issues to participate in the Tu B’shevat Seder.   Contact Cantor Heather at

to Linda and Gary Axler and family on the passing of Linda's beloved mother, Gwen Lecker z"l.

The following Shul members volunteered at Le Cafe on Thursday, January 3, 2013
Shara Rosen
Gaby Orbach
Irwin Tauben
Gloria Doski
Eliezer ben Yisrael v'Sara (Ernie Goldstein);
Zvi ben Taibel v'Yosef (Harry Fainsilber); 
Rachmiel ben Miriam v'Isacc (Ralph Schwartz);
Yehudit bat Shalom v'Frieda (Odette Chonchol)  
Zlate bat Fishel v'Miriam (Charlotte Wertheimer)
Yasmin bat Galila (Jasmin Peleg)
Moshe ben Pia v'Shlomo (Murray Perelman)
Eliahu ben Leah v'Yacov (Charley Levy)
Faivel ben Esther v'Shmuel (Paul Ostroff)

January 12-18, 2013 / 1-7 Shevat, 5773    
Mordko Fishman , father of Anna Gonshor and Raizel Candib
Jennie Litman , mother-in-law of Angela Litman
Tauba Fainsilber , mother of Harry Fainsilber
*Esther Silversmith , mother of Bluma Stolow
Alexander Singermann , father of Gabriella Orbach
Gertrude Plotnick , mother of Larry Plotnick
Martha Rother , mother of Jeffrey Rother
*Willie Berger , father of Judy Berger and Marion Sohmer
Charles Carroll , father of Debbie Carroll
Anne Katz , mother of Linda Glaser
Hyman Mayberger , father of Ruth Eliesen
Sam Pascal , husband of Lila Pascal
Jack Singerman , father of Elliot Singerman
Eda Bialik , mother of Dr. Susan Stock
Rose Eliosoff , mother of Deena Eliosoff
Rosa Ettenberg , mother of Elliott Ettenberg
Elie Hazan , father of Henri Hazan
Rose Kuzmarov , mother of Irwin Kuzmarov
Cipora Orzech , mother of Hymie Orzech
Gitta Rudnicki , mother of Jack Rudnicki
Marcelle Ingelrelst Smith , mother of C. Josie Katz
Ida Sussman , mother of Marilyn Goldenberg
Edith Ahronheim , mother of Dr. Gerald Ahronheim
Pauline Colton-Frank , mother of Barry Frank
Jannit Rabinovitch , sister of Lori Rabinovitch 

*Names with an asterisk (*) indicate a memorial plaque in our sanctuary. We encourage you to consider adding to our memorial board. To do so, please call Barbi at 514-486-9400
If you would like an Aliyah for a yahrtzeit on a Shabbat morning, please identify yourself to a Parnass when you come into the sanctuary.

On Monday, January 14th, 2013, at 7:30 pm, The Goldbloom Family Forum presents Rabbi Arik Ascherman, Director of External Relations of Rabbis for Human Rights, speaking on "The Israel I Cherish." At Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom, 395 Elm Avenue, Westmount (Mo Atwater, Bus 24).  No admission charge.  Information or 514-489-5651.  
ISGAP | The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy presents: Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective
McGill University , Tuesdays 5:30 to 8:00 PM, Leacock Building, Rm. 738 

Feb. 12 - David Matas
International Human Rights Lawyer, Winnipeg "Antisemitism and the Peace Process"
Feb. 26 - Shalem Coulibaly
Professor of Philosophy and Secretary General, Université de Ouagadougou  (Burkina Faso) "Sub-Saharan Africa, Globalization and Antisemitism"
Mar. 12 - Yigal Carmon
Founder and Director, MEMRI
Apr. 9 - Nora Gold
Associate Scholar at the Centre for Women's Studies, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto "'I Don't Know Why They Hate Us - I Don't Think We Did Anything Bad To Hurt Them': Jewish Girls (Aged 10-12) Reflect on Their Experiences of Antisemitism"  
Morning Minyan will resume on January 9, 2013.  For more information contact Irv Perlman at 514-733-1874 or 
It is a mitzvah to honour a yahrzeit by making a tzeddakah donation. To donate to the synagogue or sponsor a kiddush, please contact the Dorshei Emet office.