Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Erev Shavuot - June 7, 2014 - Weekly Announcements

Erev Shavuot 
June 3, 2014 / 5 Sivan, 5774  8:00 PM
Guest speaker Rabbi Andrea Weiss

Shavuot / Yizkor 
June 4, 2014 / 6 Sivan, 5774  10:00 AM

Torah: Exodus 19:1 - 20:23  (Etz P.436)
Maftir: Numbers 28:36 - 31 (Etz P.932)
Haftorah: Ezekiel 1:1 - 28; 3:12 (Etz Pp. 1321; 1327)

Torah Reader: Beth Blackmore, Laura Yaros.
Haftarah Reader: Ruth Hundert

Parnassim: Mark Berner, Nicole Allio, Roger Antebi 

Shabbat Beha'alotekha 
June 7, 2014 / 9 Sivan, 5774   
Volunteer Appreciation Shabbat
Farbrengen: Women Yiddish Poets 

This week's Kiddush is sponsored by Robbie and Sharon Bishin in honour of the birth of their grandson, Ethan Gabriel Victor, son of Erica Bishin and Jeremy Victor

Torah: Numbers 11:1 - 12:13 (Etz P.827)
Maftir: Numbers 12:14 - 16 (Etz P.835)
Haftorah: Zechariah 2:14 - 17: 3:10 - 4:7 (Etz Pp. 837; 838)

Torah Reader: Chava Dienar
Haftarah Reader: Laura Yaros

Parnassim: Georgette Bensimon, Naomi Lapin 
Greeter: Roger Antebi

Please join us on Wednesday, June 11 at 7:30pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Please note that the office will be closing today at 2:00 pm for Erev Shavuot.  The office will be closed on Wednesday and Thursday in observance of the holiday. 

Ruth Richler Memorial Lectures June 3 & 4:
This Shavuot, explore Torah and its many facets with Dorshei Emet and guest speakerRabbi  Andrea Weiss, Ph.D.
June 3, Erev Shavuot
"Seventy Faces of Torah: Who Wrote the Bible and Why it Matters"
Evening Services: 8:00 pm
Cheesecake, coffee and tea to follow at 10:00 pm

Please contact the office 514-486-9400 or admin@dorshei-emet.org if you would like to bake or buy a cheesecake for the reception.
On Shavuot we celebrate the giving of Torah on Mt. Sinai. But how did the Five Books of Moses as a literary document come about? The Torah is filled with parallel and often contradictory narratives and laws. How do we account for these discrepancies? What do they tell us about the nature of Torah and who put it together? More importantly, as contemporary Jews, what larger teaching can we draw from this understanding of Torah?

June 4, Shavuot Morning Services
"Hearing the Voice of  Sinai Today: Women Wrestling with Torah"
Services/Yizkor: 10:00 am
Using The Torah: A Women's Commentary as a guide, we will explore the biblical account of the divine revelation at Mt. Sinai. Our focus will be on Moses' command to "not go near a woman" in advance of this dramatic moment (Exodus 19:15).

Shavuot Friends and Family Services and Blintzes/Tiramisu Making
Wednesday, June 4, 10am-12:30pm
We begin our celebration of Shavuot at 10am in the main Sanctuary.
At 11am we head downstairs to the kitchen to create delicious Shavuot delicacies with Patrizia - blintzes and tiramisu! Following we will join together for other family friendly activities.
Everyone is welcome.
The Toddlers' Room on our second floor balcony will be open for small children accompanied by an adult. Toys and games are available and the room is equipped with audio feed from the sanctuary. 

June 7 at 10am
Please be our guest and join us as we pay tribute to our many volunteers at our first Volunteer Appreciation Shabbat.  Our volunteers are what make our synagogue so unique and we look forward to honoring you.  

Following Kiddush on June 7 we'll hold our final Farbrengen of the year.
Please join us for a very special event.
Esther Frank, professor of Yiddish literature at McGill University will do readings of these
acclaimed women poets and lead a discussion.
Henri Oppenheim, klezmer musician who has set this poetry to music, will perform.

Sunday, June 8
4:30pm, Rain or shine
Celebrate the beginning of summer with Dorshei Emet at our End-of-Year BBQ. We'll provide delicious kosher BBQ hot dogs with veggie options. Please bring a dairy free
(pareve) side dish to share -- salads, hummus, baba ganoush, crudité, fruit, cole slaw, potato salad, etc. Sign up to share your musical and performing talents for the second annual Dorshei Emet Talent Show. Contact Cynthia Weinstein (514) 487-9030 at cynthiaweinstein@aol.com to RSVP or to get on the performers list. 

The Mothers Circle creates a safe space for women to learn about Judaism and explore Jewish Holidays and rituals, and to do so with peers so they're not alone.  
Tuition is FREE, and no prior Jewish knowledge is required. 
Bi-weekly course begins November 12, 2013, at 7pm at Congregation Dorshei Emet, 18 Cleve Road, Hampstead.
For more information, please contact Cynthia Weinstein, Program Coordinator at (514)487-9030 cynthiaweinstein@aol.com or Congregation Dorshei Emet at (514)486-9400 or visit www.TheMothersCircle.org

Thank you to the following members who volunteered at Le Cafe this month:

Nicole Allio
Mark Medicoff
Miriam Roland
Shara Rosen
Georgette Bensimon
Gloria Doskie
Marilyn Caplan
Neil Caplan
Andrea Strom Rancourt

Every month, members from Dorshei Emet volunteer to serve meals at Le Café, a local initiative offering free Kosher meals to the community.  Every Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30pm-6:30pm, volunteers gather at the Cummings Centre for Seniors on Westbury to serve hot meals to those in need.  Each evening, over 250 meals are served.   If you would like to volunteer to help, please contact Gloria Doskie gloria.doskie@videotron.ca, or contact the office (514) 486-9400.


Zvi ben Taibel v'Yosef (Harry Fainsilber) 
Yehudit bat Shalom v'Frieda (Odette Chonchol)  
Eliahu ben Leah v'Yacov (Charley Levy)
Frayda Laya bat Devora ve Yaacov  (Linda Camlot)
Moshe ben Yaacov ve Gittel (Morris Camlot)    
Daniel ben Kalman v'Tziporah (Daniel Roth)
Liebe bat Reizel v Yaakov
Miriam bat Tilka v Schoel
Yehudit Bracha bat Bracha v'Lev 

*If someone needs an extra blessing for someone who is sick, please email info@dorshei-emet.org  with their hebrew name, parents hebrew name, their english name. If a member who is ill is in hospital, kindly give us the name of the hospital and room number as well.

June 7 - 13, 2014/ 9-14 Sivan, 5774   
Miriam Coven, sister of Hon. Morris Fish
Edith Cowan, mother of Beryl Goldman
Rose Croll, mother of Reuben Croll
Goldie Davidow, mother of Fran Schaffer
Helen Felman Gerszonowicz, mother of Carole Flikier
William Frank, father of Barry Frank
Jack Goldberg, father of Don Goldberg
Max Goldenberg, father of Don Goldenberg and Pearlann Goldenberg
Myer Hyman, father of Joan Charlap
Silviu Kelner, father of Andrei Kelner
Charlotte Mayberger Kuttas, sister of Ruth Eliesen
Zena Leikin, mother of Ethel Kesler
Sarah Abramovitch Miller, mother of Bernadine Harrar
Noah Presser, infant son of Ivan Presser & Gillian Saidman
Roy Rabinovitch, father of Lori Rabinovitch
* Harry Rothman, father of Kay Wolofsky
Ronnie Rustin, brother of Tony  Rustin
* Manfred Saalheimer, husband of late Harriet Saalheimer
David Stark, brother of Rozie Pekar
* Steven Takefman, brother of Charles Takefman 
*Names with an asterisk (*) indicate a memorial plaque in our sanctuary. We encourage you to add your late loved one's name to our memorial board for an everlasting tribute. To do so, please call the office at 514-486-9400.
If you would like an Aliyah for a yahrtzeit on a Shabbat morning, please identify yourself to a Parnass when you come into the sanctuary.

Soul Doctor at the Segal Centre

June 8-June 29
Special offer for DE Members promo code: ZION.  Pay $31 instead of $49!
5170, chemin de la Côte-Ste-Catherine, Montréal (Québec)
T. 514. 739. 2301

10 JUNE 2014 AT 7:30 PM
To close its 74th season, under the direction of conductor Boris Brott, the McGill Chamber Orchestra (MCO) will present a gala concert entitled Klez-Kabaret on June 10 at 7:30pm at the Maison Symphonique. Special offer for DE members - promo code: KLEZMER
To order tickets please call 514-842-2112


Sunday, June 15 at 7:00 pm at the Ukrainian National Federation, 405 Fairmount West, corner of Hutchison
KlezKanada in co-operation with the Mile End Chavurah presents a special Yiddish Dance Party. Steve Weintraub, the renowned Philadelphia-based Yiddish dance instructor, accompanied by The Rachel Lemisch Tantzhoyz Spectacular, will lead and teach Yiddish/international dance aficionados, both experienced and novices.
The evening is being held free of charge with the support of CJA Generations Fund and The Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal. 
Minyan takes place most Monday and Wednesday mornings at 7:30 am, followed by breakfast. Monday is a traditional davening and Torah reading. Wednesday is a Mindfulness Meditation minyan.
If you are saying Kaddish, observing a yahrzeit, or marking a special occasion, please join us.  It is a wonderful way to start the week or the day in a warm and inspiring ambiance among friends. 

To confirm, please contact the office, at 514 486 9400
 Congregation Dorshei Emet
follow us on twitter -twitter@dorsheiemet

Our Bulletin: