Thursday, September 27, 2012

Adult Education at Dorshei Emet - Fall 2012

Let Us Inspire You - Register Today!
Deadline for Registration is Oct 4th

Re-Engaging with the State of Israel
(Mondays 7:30-9:00pm)
This class is based on The Shalom Hartman Institute’s very successful video series that targeted worldwide Jewry across the religious and political spectrum. ``The iEngage curriculum elevates the conversation about Israel by rooting it in Jewish values and ideas rather than in a response to crisis, exploring key questions such as:
  • What are the benefits of Jewish sovereignty?
  • How should a Jewish state exercise military power ethically?
  • How can Israel create and maintain a Jewish democracy?
  • What values should a Jewish state embody?
  • Why should American Jews care about Israel, and what should be the nature of our relationship with the Jewish state? ``
The course is seen as especially important for the younger generation who may not have the visceral connection to Israel that the Holocaust and post-Holocaust generations instinctively feel. The course consists of 5 lectures in the fall semester and 4 lectures in the spring. Each lecture includes a video introduction and a dialogue among experts exploring the complexities of the topic (approx. 50 min). This will be followed by a discussion guided by prominent Montreal religious and academic leaders. (More information at
Registration: $36 per semester (plus $20 for a comprehensive source guide)

Touchstones of Jewish Civilization
(Mondays 7:00-8:15pm)
Rabbi Ron’s survey course is a wonderful introduction to the basic concepts, history and practices of Jewish culture and religion. The course consists of eight classes in the fall:

1.    God, Torah and Israel: How do we understand the essential concepts of Judaism?
2.       Who Wrote the Bible and How Do We Read It Today?
  1. Shabbat: How does Jewish spiritual practice differ from Buddhist meditation?
  2. Kashrut and Eco-Kashrut: A spiritual-ethical diet for ourselves and our planet
  3. Tzedakah: The Spirituality of Money
  4. Talmud: How the Rabbis transformed the Bible into Judaism
  5. Judaism and Christianity, Similarities and Differences: Life after death and the Messiah
  6. The History of Hanukkah Through its Songs
The class continues in the winter but there is no obligation to commit to both semesters:
Registration: $72 members, $100 non-members per semester

Basic Hebrew
(Mondays 8:30-9:30pm) and
Intermediate Hebrew
(Mondays 7:00-8:15pm)
By popular demand, Glenda Stoller will again be leading the classes. The classes have been very effective in quickly getting even those with no knowledge of Hebrew to learn to read.
Registration: 6 classes, offered free.

Enriching our Jewish Lives
(Tuesdays 7:00-8:30 pm)
This class consists of a series of mini-courses of one to two sessions, designed to help you develop a stronger, more meaningful Jewish synagogue and home life. Based on your interests, you can choose which of the classes to attend. Below is the tentative schedule that will be confirmed through the weekly emails in the fall:

  1. “Creating and Enhancing your Shabbat at Home“Oct 16. This class will provide you with simple ideas for making your family Shabbat more meaningful and special.
  2. “Making Prayer Real” ,Oct 23, Oct 30, and Nov 6 by Rabbi Ron
- God Talk and God Experience
- Prayer: What are we praying for?
- Geography of the Siddur
  1. “Synagogues and Their Communities“, Nov 13, A conversation with Rosanne Moss, architect for the Dorshei Emet synagogue, and Sara Ferdman Tauben, author of Traces of the Past: Montreal’s Early Synagogues. Historic synagogues of Europe and immigrant communities will form a background for presentation and discussion of the conception and construction of Dorshei Emet
  2. Put yourself in the driver's seat: Roadmap to the Shabbat Services and Prayerbook“, Explore the Shabbat prayer through the structure, meaning, and congregational tunes of our morning service., Nov 20, Nov 27, Dec 4, Cantor Heather
  3. “Revisiting Spinoza and his Legacy“, Dec 11
Registration: The classes are free but you need to register with the office for those classes you plan to attend.

Time and Eternity: Jewish Heroes that Transformed the History of our People
(Tues 7:30-9:00pm)
Typically our heroes faced great challenges in their struggles to build a better future. The class will discuss their legacy as well as how they were shaped by their times. 
This celebration of our 20 th century heroes comes at a time when many in the Jewish world have forgotten
their heroism and great achievements. We will follow a seminar approach. Class members will make brief
presentations, course material will be provided for each session, and discussion will follow.
The cost of eleven (11) sessions is$18.00. The last session will be a celebration.

October 16, 2012 7:30 pm Theodore Herzl 
The patriarch of Eretz Israel. His vision, his heroic struggle, that founded the World Zionist
Movement and led to the birth of the state 44 years after his death. 

October 23, 2012 7:30 pm Chaim Weitzman
The “Joshua” who led us to the promised land and became the first president of Israel.

October 30,2012 7:30 pm Vlademir Jabotinsky
The leader of the “Revisionist Zionists”, the prophet who warned of the impending Shoa,
who helped save many Jews , and who inspired a generation of Jewish leaders.

November 6, 2012 7:30pm Franz Rosenzweig
Considered the “greatest Jewish theologian of the 20 th century”. His heroic life and achievement.

November 13, 2012 7:30pm Rabbi Leo Baeck
The heroic leader of German Jewry, who survived Theresienstadt concentration
camp and led the revival of Jewish life that culminated in the state of Israel.

November 20, 2012 7:30pm David ben Gurion
The life and leadership of Israel’s first Prime Minister

November 27, 2012 7:30pm Menachem Begin
The survivor of the “Gulag”, leader of the Irgun and Likud, prime minister of
Israel, statesman and peace maker.

December 4, 2012 7:30pm Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan
Rabbi, eminent teacher, founder of Reconstructionism, in word and deed,
a great American Jew.

December 11 ,2012 7:30pm Golda Meir
Zionist, Kibbutznik, teacher, “ the only man in my cabinet” (ben Gurion)
Fourth Prime Minister of Israel.

December 18, 2012 7:30 pm Abba Eban
Israel’s greatest spokesman, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Prime Minister,
Ambassador to the United Nations.

December 25, 2012 Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel
Rabbi, theologian, prolific author, fighter for American Civil Rights.

Shabbat Morning Study with Carmela
(Shabbat Morning, 9:00-10:00 am)
Start off your Shabbat right with Carmela’s Shabbat morning course called “David’s Story: A literary analysis of the flawed moral character of Israel’s greatest king.” Using Robert Altar’s English translation of Samuel I and II and Israeli novels on the life of King David, we will talk about David’s greatest achievements, his tragic end, and his immortal place in Jewish tradition. Six sessions beginning Oct. 20.
Registration: Free and everyone is welcome.

All classes begin the week of Oct 15th. Please call or email the office
(514-486- 9400 or to register.
Wonderful tea and coffee is included in your registration fee.
If you have any questions or suggestions please email them to the office

Shabbat Ha’azinu
September 29, 2012 / 13 Tishrei 5773
Jonathan Smilovitch Bar Mitzvah
Parnassim: Doreen Saibil and Pearlanne Goldenberg

Torah: Deuteronomy 32:1-32:47 (Etz P.1185)
Maftir: Deuteronomy 32:48-52 (Etz P. 1194)
Haftarah: II Samuel 22:1-51 (Etz P.1196)

Torah Reading: Jonathan Smilovitch
Haftarah Reading: Jonathan Smilovitch

Sharon Brodie and Mark Smilovitch invite you to celebrate their son, Jonathan  becoming a bar mitzvah.

Candle Lighting: 6:21 PM
Reconstructionist minhag encourages the custom of lighting candles together whenever we sit down for dinner with our family and friends.
Havdalah: 7:27 PM
Or any time after 3 stars appear

October 1, 2012 / 15 Tishrei 5773
Services 10:00 AM

Torah: Deuteronomy 8:1-18; 10:12-22 (Etz P.1039)
Maftir: Leviticus 23:39-44 (Etz P. 729)
Haftarah: Zechariah 14:7-9; 16:21 (Etz P.1254)

Torah Reading: Chava Dienar
Haftarah Reading: TBA

Rabbi Ron and Carmela Aigen invite you to share in the celebration of Carmela’s birthday and Sukkot.

Date: Sunday, Sept. 30, 10:30 AM  
Meet our new Shabbat morning animator and youth coordinator Maya Amichai!
Bagels, cream cheese and beverages provide. 
Please RSVP with fruit, pastries, or pareve salad to share by Thurs. Sept. 27 
Karen Assyag at (514) 737-7413 or

Date:  Friday, October 5, 2012, 6:30-9:00 PM
Join us for a Celebration of Family & Am Israel through storytelling, potlucking and sharing.
RSVP with a potluck dish to share to Dafna Fenyes: 514-369-3458
 or Olga Gross: 514-488-8690

Date: Monday, October 8, 2012, 7:00 PM (after Hakkafot)
Reserve now for a wonderful dinner to honour our Hatan Torah:
Mark Berner and our Kallah Bereishit: Anna Gonshor
Tickets are $36 each and a children's program is offered. 
Call the office for reservations 514-486-9400.

Inspired by Rabbi Ron’s recent trip to Israel where he attended an intensive Yiddish program, we are excited to announce our first Fabregen (gathering) Saturday, October 6, following Kiddush.  The focus of this initiative is to enrich the experience of Yiddish culture for Yiddish speakers and “friends”, and is meant to help foster new insights into the creative impulse of Yiddish culture.The hour and a half will begin with a niggun or song or two, followed by a short text and a discussion in Yiddish or English, and close with a few songs related to the theme of the day.  The first session will relate to Sukkot. 
Future dates will be: December 1; February 2; April 6; and June 1.

In collaboration with the Shaare Zion, Congregation Dorshei Emet is bringing the acclaimed Shalom Hartman Institute's video lecture series,"iEngage Israel"to Montreal's Jewish Community

The iEngage curriculum elevates the conversation about Israel -- rooting it in Jewish values and ideas rather than in a response to crisis.
Classes will be held on Mondays from 7:30-9:00pm beginning Oct 15th at Congregation Dorshei Emet, 18 Cleve Road, Hampstead.

Registration: $36 per semester (plus $20 for a comprehensive source guide)
For more info or to register please call 514-486- 9400 or email


Sandra and Herschel Mitchell on the engagement of their son David to Nancy Rotman, daughter of Gilda and Allan Rotman.

Naomi and Jeffrey Rother and Sarahon the loss of their beloved mother and mother-in-law and grandmother, Pearl Lapin z”l on Sunday, Sept. 3rd.

Simcha Tova bat Avraham Moshe v'Malkha(Sheryl Lewart); Leah bat Esther v'Shmuel; Sara Leah bat Tzila; Tova bat Eliyahu v'Hannah (Terry Weitzen);   Eliezer ben Yisrael v'Sara (Ernie Goldstein) ;  Zvi ben Taibel ve-Yosef (Harry Fainsilber);  Rachmiel ben Miriam v'Isacc (Ralph Schwartz);
Ruth bat Sara v'Yaacov (Helen Kraus); Issac ben Esther v'Shabbatei (Isaac Di Cori); Gila bat Esther v'Shabbatei (Graziella Di Cori); Giovanna Pergolari; Esther bat Yair (Esther Di Cori)

September 29-October 5, 2012 /13-19 Tishrei, 5773
Rona Ravitsky Goldstein, mother of  Mitchell Goldstein, 1st wife of Ernest Goldstein, mother of Patricia Goldstein
Sonia Tencer née Smolnik, mother of Naomi Tencer                                     
Dora Beitel, mother of Garry Beitel                               
Edward Fine, father of Debbie Fine                               
Harry Rosen, father of Shara Rosen                             
Joel Weinstein, brother of Donna Kuzmarov                                                         
Yentl Rubin Fishman, mother of Anna Gonshor               
Anna Friedman, mother of Brigitte Friedman                                      
Sigmund Goldsmith, father of Felice Heller                               
Ella Heller, mother of Ronald Heller                              
Jake Stober, father of Sol Stober                                 
Lavy M. Becker, father of Donnie Frank and Hillel Becker            
Leah Kraindels, mother of Edna Mendelson                              
David Shapiro, father of Ernestine Simon-Cohen                                  
I. Adrian Shulimson, father of Mitzi Becker
Irwin Miller, father of John Miller
Harry Mitchell, father of Herschel Mitchell
Mauricio Presser, father of Dr. Baldomero Presser
David Tinkoff, brother of Heather Prout
Goldie Adelman, mother of Seymour Adelman
*Aline Gubbay, mother of Sharon Gubbay
Sonny Leboff, mother of Ina Leboff Cohn
Gerald Long, husband of Freida Long
Abe Al Patnoi, father of Rita Schulman
*Anna Marks Rill, mother of Saretta Levitan
Ida Grossman Shapiro, mother of P. Eng Ernest Shapiro
Peppy Wasserman, mother of Norma Wasserman
Max Wolofsky, father of Merle Wolofsky
*William Koenig, father of Annie Koenig
As long as we live they too will live, for they are part of us as we remember them.

*Names with an asterisk (*) indicate a memorial plaque in our sanctuary. We encourage you to consider adding to our memorial board. To do so, please call Barbi at 514-486-9400.

If you would like an Aliyah for a yahrtzeit on a Shabbat morning, please identify yourself to a Parnass when you come into the sanctuary.  It is recommended that you arrive by 10:15 so as not to miss the opportunity. If you prefer to say Kaddish at the Monday or Wednesday Minyan closest to the actual Yahrtzeit, please contact Lois Lieff at

It is a traditional mitzvah to honour a Yahrtzeit or other important family occasion by making a Tzedakah donation. To donate to the synagogue or sponsor a Kiddush, please contact the Dorshei Emet office.

Minyan takes place every Monday and Wednesday morning at 7:30 a.m., followed by breakfast. Monday is a traditional davenning and Torah reading. Wednesday is a Mindfulness Meditation minyan.

If you are saying Kaddish, observing a yahrtzeit, or marking a special occasion, please join us.  It is a wonderful way to start the week or the day in a warm and inspiring ambience among friends. 
Contact LOIS LIEFF at